For the last few weeks I have become completely dumbfounded in the world's response to the Israel/ Hamas crisis. That anyone would wonder why Isreal would continue to stage its air stikes in Gaza is beyond me. I wonder, If any other country had maliciously time and time again been attacked by a terrorist group would they be opposed? Was not 9/11 the act of a radical terrorist organization? But why has the media forgotten this? Why has only Israel been targeted?
And then I had a revelation...
Like radical islamic terrorists who have no logic to the actions, we american public has also found another radical group that has "no method to its madness." Both organizations are dictated by their irrational prejudices. The left wing, much like Hamas, long for the day they can continue the systematic extermination of the jews. The Israel/ Hamas crisis is not just about land, it is about unadulterated hatred. Whether or not Israel relinguishes an inch, these crazies could care less because they will not be satisfied until every jew is dead.