Saturday, November 7, 2009

when hope has not a single foothold

One of the greatest arguments against the existence of God has always been the reality of evil that plagues the world. Although for the Christian there are several approaches to defending God's sovereignty, there comes a point in most peoples lives where it seems no longer justified. Suffering, a common theme throughout the bible, is rationalized to the extent that it causes growth in an individual's life. But what about when the suffering can no longer be justified? What about when there is no reward in sight?
In Elizabeth Elliot's journal she writes, "The effect of my troubles depends not on the nature of the troubles themselves but on how I receive them. I can receive them with both hands in faith and acceptance, or I can rebel and reject. What they produce if I rebel and reject will be something very different from a mature character, something nobody is going to like.
Look at the choices:
Rebellion- if this is the will of God for me now, He doesn't love me.
Rejection- if this is what God is giving me, I wont have any part of it.
Faith- God knows exactly what He is doing.
Acceptance- He loves me; He plans good things for me; I will take it."
I may have to accept that I do not know why God allows so many atrocities to happen around the world, but I must never surrender to apathy.In the end I may have to accept that I do not know why I struggle, but I must never grow bitter in my fight.
"There is a place where the human fails, breaks down, turns to ashes. Hope has not a single foothold. In such an hour there is a perishing of everything unless the soul waits in silence for God only." - Amy Camichael