Monday, May 26, 2008

"There is nothing that makes us love a person so much as praying for him." - William Law
I picked up my phone only to hear a defeated voice on the other line. It was my dear friend Lyndsey. " Caroline- I just dont know what to do anymore- she just steals and does drugs and now she is in jail for meth." At this point I really didnt have any words of wisdom for my friend- I had never been in her situation..."just keep on loving her and pray" were the only words it seemed i could come up with. "Well I am going to go pick her up in a few days so hopefully she will have time to reflect on her life."
As I hung up the phone I thought about Lyndsey's own story. Although she had never made any trips to jail, she had had her fun with drugs before. But then everything changed.
I remember the first time she described to me the moment in which she was saved. "I prayed and was overcome with this amazing feeling- my eyes were opened up and I saw everything in a completely new light" and it was in that moment she found freedom.

About a week later Lyndsey called me again. "caroline I picked up my friend and you will never guess what happened..." She continued to explain to me that something profound had happened to her while she was in jail. It was if she had come alive and in a way i guess she had. After years and years of trying to get her friend to read her bible for some reason a passion inside her was
ignited and she couldnt keep her hands off the pages of this book she had before perceived to be so boring. As Lyndsey's friend handed her back her bible Lyndsey noticed little notes her friend had taken on verses she had read. Lyndsey was flabbergasted. What had happened to her?

As Lyndsey was leaving with her friend she informed her that while she was in jail one of their close friends had died. Her friend turned to her and replied "but he didnt know...he didnt know! Her friend motioned to her bible..".no one told him!" Lyndsey he needed it!
What had gotten into her? God. It was if she had been intoxicated with him and couldnt rest until everyone around her knew. A few days ago she was a cold hard girl who lived only for meth- but now she had been so transformed by God's love that the thought of not getting to share it with her friend was devastating. But how God had saved her.She had been in her own hell and had experienced sweet salvation from that which had- oh so enslaved her.
Salvation is amazing.
How mind boggling. To be completely transformed and yet to still be the same you. How I wish everyone would desire it. God how I pray that everyone searching for truth would find You- that their eyes would be opened.
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." romans 10:9-11

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