Saturday, March 28, 2009

soaked shoulders

In the back of my mind there is this memory. A recent memory. Or maybe just a reoccuring flashback of a quick moment that has been stored deep inside me.
I dont remember if it was a few weeks ago or a few months ago. It was all a blur.

As I was walking away from the bus on campus, I witnessed a young oriental woman crying on her knees at the feet of a young man. The man stood stark cold ignoring her. Of course, my first reaction was "what a bastard." Thats not fair though, it could have been just as much her fault. Maybe she cheated on him. Maybe she aborted his baby. I will never know. But what I do know is that something had torn so deeply into this woman that it had destroyed her. No one can forget a look like that.
But then I wonder how many students who passed her by felt exactly the same way inside. How many other students were experiencing total emotional turmoil? Its moments like this that make me realize that so many others are screaming inside. How many students in my classes pray that they dont wake up in the morning? Oh, how the whole world is in pain.
And not that we should constantly dwell on this pain, but so many people overlook the remedy.
I dont know what happened to this girl, but I do know one thing:she was missing some kind of love. Whether this boy had broken her heart( which was probably the case), or she was begging forgiveness from him, she wanted him to have compassion on her.
But how sick of hearing that do we get? "all you need is love" Such a simple saying with such a hard meaning. How can we give something so much of us lack.
This scene reminded me of the story of Jesus and the woman who knelt before him crying. The bible says in Luke 7 that she 'wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with her feet.' Jesus replied that her sins had been forgiven- for she loved much. Of course, Jesus gave her exactly what she needed: forgiveness and love. He accepted her despite her faults because she loved Him.
I think if I ask myself 'what do I want out of life?' It would really come down to desiring unconditional love from people. Although I have never soaked someone's feet with my tears, i know i have soaked some shoulders. And thats it. Regardless of my flaws, regardless of how much I have hurt you, I will always want the same thing in the end: to know that I am still wanted and desired.

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