Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not For Sale Campaign

Sunday morning I attended a Thai international church. The guest speaker was a man who was a spokesman from the not for sale campaign. "Not For Sale is a campaign of students, artists, entrepeneurs, people of faith, athletes, law enforcement officers, politicians, social workers, skilled professionals, and all justice seekers united to fight the global slave trade and end human trafficking. The Campaign aims to recruit, educate, and mobilise an international grassroots social movement that effectively combats human trafficking and slavery through "Smart Activism." It deploys innovative solutions for every individual to abolish slavery- in their own backyards and across the globe. NOT FOR SALE believes that everyone has a skill to contribute that can free an individual living in bondage, and together we can stop human trafficking and end slavery in our lifetime."
Some ways to get involved:
-Spend 20 minutes on the website:
- Go to "Slavery map" and see where slavery exists in your state
- Talk to your legistlators about enacting laws to stop this human trafficking
- Go to "Stop Paying for Slavery" and see where your clothes come from.
- Arrange for a Freedom Stor (merchandise created by rescued victims of slavery)
- Organize a Bible study using the Not For Sale materials and continue to pray for the captives

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