Here is a list of books I read in Bangkok. All of these books have played a minor role in my ever changing perspective of the world.
1.Setting Love in Order- Mario Bergner
2.First They Killed My Father- Loung Ung
3.The Human Condition- Thomas Keating
4.Simple Spirituality- Chris Heuertz
5.Friendship at the Margins- Chris Heuertz
6.The Road to Lost Innocence- Somaly Mam
7.The Inner Voice of Love- Henri Nouwen
8.The Lotus and the Cross- Ravi Zacharias
9.Cross Cultural Servanthood- Duane Elmer
10.Out of the Silent Planet- C.S. Lewis
11.The Healing Presence:Healing the Soul Through Union with Christ- Leanne Payne
12.New Monasticism- Jonathan Wilson- Hartgrove
13.The Cost of Discipleship- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
14.Living Together- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
15. Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition- Christine Pohl
16. Simply Christian- N.T. Wright
17. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation- Miroslav Volf
18. From Brokenness to Community- Jean Vanier
19.The Way of the Heart- Henri Nouwen
20.Companion to the Poor- Viv Grigg
21.Sexually Exploited Children: Working to Protect and Heal- Phyllis Kilbourn (Having an extremely hard time finishing this book)
22. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger- Ron Sider
23. Culture Shock/Thailand
24. Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life- Henri Nouwen
25. The Atonement Child- Francine Rivers
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